About LinksWithPics.com

Documentation, Tips and Random Thoughts about LinksWithPics.com

LinksWithPics.com Documentation


For basic installation instructions, please see this or better yet, if you have subscription, check the specific instructions for your demo/product in your list of products (on the menu follow My Account > My Products, select the product, then Product Configuration). 
Once you have the basic example working on your pages, you can further customize the Link Previews, although this is completely optional. All customization is done by changing parameters of the call to Softelvdm_LinkPreview.init().

Softelvdm_LinkPreview.init Parameters

Url provided by LinksWithPics.com containing your subscriber information. Use unmodified, as provided.
The text that appears in the lower portion of the Link Preview. {0} can be used which will be substituted by the link shown. If null is specified, the text is not shown. If the <a> tag uses the data-title attribute, the text of the data-title attribute is used as the text and takes precedence over the title specified. Do not use the <a> tag's title attribute as it would cause a tooltip to be displayed in addition to the Link Preview.
Specify 1 so the Link Previews service learns new Urls as users hover the mouse cursor over them. If 0 is specified, no new Link Preview images will be added to the service. It is recommended to always specify 1. Links on your pages must always have the linkpreview-show css class to be "learned". The actual css class name may differ if changed using the cssShow parameter. If a link has the linkpreview-nolearn css class, it is never learned (added to your images). The actual css class name may differ if changed using the cssNoLearn parameter.
Learned links may take up to 24 hours to have images available.
The css class used on your site's links (<a> tags) so that Link Previews are available for the link. It is recommended to use linkpreview-show.
The css class used on your site's links (<a> tags) so that the link is not learned by the Link Previews service. It is recommended to use linkpreview-nolearn.
The time (in ms) used to fade in the Link Preview image when it becomes visible (provided an image is available).
The time (in ms) used to fade out the Link Preview image when it is hidden.
Specify 1 so the icon is shown next to the link, which can be clicked by the user to show the Link Preview. If 0 is specified the icon does not appear.
The tooltip shown for the icon explaining its use. The tooltip is only used when clickable is set to 1.